Welcome to A Cauldron Of Thoughts. An outlet for the things brewing inside of me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009



We're clearing out your apartment,
Sure to leave nothing behind.
Delving out your belongings,
Mother asks if I want your chimes.

I smile and say yes,
They were your favourite thing.
Beautiful ceramic birds,
That bang together and ting.

I look at them remembering
The grandmother you were,
A woman who collected things
And kept them close to her.

The day has been long
And night has come around.
I hang your beloved chimes
And listen for their sound.

I stare at them a while
And then turn off the light.
I tuck myself in
And whisper to you, good night.

I let my mind wander
Over events of the past few days,
Trying to make sense of things
But it's all a haze.

I'm drifting now, in the dark
The moon the only light,
Suddenly a sound;
It's birds taking flight!

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